Hello and welcome to my podcast My Life and Other Funny Stories. My name is Dagmar Tomášková, I am an English tutor and coach and I created this podcast for English students who want to improve their oral comprehension. As always you can find the transcription of this episode and vocabulary list in the notes of the podcast.
Today we’re going to dive into something a little different—but definitely fun. Have you ever heard a theory so strange that you thought, “There’s no way people actually believe this”… and then found out they do?
That’s what we’re talking about today—conspiracy theories!
Conspiracy theories are stories people create to explain big events in a way that often isn’t true. The key idea behind a conspiracy theory is that something is being hidden from the public—like a secret plan by powerful people, an alternative version of history, or something strange happening behind the scenes. These theories often spread when people feel uncertain or don’t trust the official explanations for events.
Some conspiracy theories are harmless and even funny, but others can be dangerous, especially if people believe them without checking facts. Today, I’m going to tell you about five of the craziest conspiracy theories I’ve found—and trust me, they are wild!
1. The Moon Landing Was Fake
Let’s start with a classic: the idea that humans never actually landed on the Moon in 1969.
According to this theory, NASA—the American space agency—staged everything in a studio, like a Hollywood movie, to trick the world. People who believe this say that the American government wanted to beat the Soviet Union in the Space Race, so they faked it to look more powerful.
Why do they think this? Well, they point to things like the American flag moving in photos (even though there’s no wind on the Moon), the way the shadows look in the pictures, and the fact that no other country has sent astronauts to the Moon since.
Of course, scientists have explained all of these things, and there’s a lot of real evidence proving that people did land on the Moon. But some people still refuse to believe it!
2. The Earth Is Flat
Okay, so this one might surprise you, but yes—there are still people today who believe the Earth is flat. They say that all the pictures from space showing a round planet are fake and that the truth is being covered up.
Flat-Earthers (yes, that’s what they call themselves) believe that instead of a globe, the Earth is actually a flat disc. The North Pole is in the center, and Antarctica isn’t a continent, but a giant ice wall around the edge that stops people from falling off.
They think that gravity doesn’t exist and that everything we know about space is just a big trick. Even though scientists have proven over and over again that the Earth is a sphere, some people still refuse to believe it.
3. The Reptilian Elite
Now, this one is really crazy! Some people believe that powerful leaders—like politicians, celebrities, and even royal family members—are actually reptilian aliens in disguise. Yes, you heard that right—lizard people ruling the world!
This theory became popular because of a man named David Icke , who claims that these reptilian creatures are shape-shifters—meaning they can change their form to look human.
People who believe this say that sometimes, if you look closely at a person on TV, you can see their real reptilian eyes for a second before they switch back. (Spoiler: this is just bad video quality, not actual lizard people!)
But somehow, this theory has gained a lot of followers, and some people are convinced that lizards are secretly controlling everything.
4. The Denver Airport Is a Secret Illuminati Base
If you’ve ever been to the airport in Denver, Colorado, you might have noticed that it looks… a little strange. It has giant creepy horse statues, weird murals (paintings on the walls), and underground tunnels that no one really talks about. I will put a picture of the horse statue into the transcript, it looks super creepy.
Because of this, some people believe the airport is actually a secret base for the Illuminati—a supposed secret society that controls the world.
They say that the tunnels under the airport are where the world’s most powerful people meet in secret, and that the strange artwork is full of hidden messages. Some even believe there’s a secret bunker underground where world leaders will hide when the apocalypse comes!
Of course, the airport has explained all of these things, but the conspiracy still lives on.
5. 5G Networks and COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a conspiracy theory spread that 5G mobile networks were actually responsible for making people sick. Some believed that 5G (a type of high-speed internet used in mobile phones) was weakening people’s immune systems or even spreading the virus.
Of course, this is not true—viruses spread between people, not through mobile signals! Scientists and doctors all over the world have proven that 5G has nothing to do with COVID-19. Even though I find it funny that scientists had to even prove that.
But because people were scared and looking for answers, this theory spread really fast. Some people even burned down 5G towers because they believed they were dangerous!
This just shows how conspiracy theories can cause real harm when people act on them.
Why Do People Believe This Stuff?
So, after hearing about these wild theories, you might be wondering—why do people believe things that don’t make sense?
Well, conspiracy theories often give people a feeling of control. When something big or scary happens, it’s sometimes easier to believe there’s a secret explanation than to accept that things just happen by chance.
Also, in the age of the internet, people can find any information they want—even if it’s not true. If someone already believes in a conspiracy, they can go online and find thousands of others who think the same way. This makes them feel like they must be right, even when they’re not.
But here’s the thing—critical thinking is so important. It’s always good to ask questions and be curious, but it’s also important to check the facts, look at scientific evidence, and think logically. Just because something sounds exciting doesn’t mean it’s true!
So, what do you think? Have you heard of any conspiracy theories that made you laugh? Or maybe ones that made you think twice? Let me know—I’d love to hear your thoughts!
That’s all for today! Thanks for listening to My Life and Other Funny Stories. If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with a friend. I’ll see you next time for another fun episode.